Well it seems as though all my efforts are and were all for not. The men that are controlling us are so good at what they do they have even those of us fooled that claim to be in control of there own lives. While you sit there and play your video games and watch your movies and live your life you don't realize that this machine that controls you never sleeps. It will never grow tired and will never never quit! But not one of you seems to care. And while I could do something, like some of you have done, for myself to get "out of the system", that certainly would not help the cause any. I would love to change the world, it needs changing but I realized something over the last few weeks and it's going to be news to some of you and not to others. History repeats it's self. There is no stopping it. It's just the way this mistake of a world works. I am quit amazed on how often life is reflected in art. In this case movies, Hollywood movies. If you have seen the last of the Matrix movie you will know what I am referring to if you have not then I suggest you see them.
When Neo is talking to the Architect about what he is going to do to save Zion the Architect informs Neo that he is not the first and certainly not the last of the men that made this claim. Many times before Neo there was a chosen one and then this point is reached and Zion is destroyed, with a few survivors, and the chosen one speaks of "another" that will return to save Zion and all the people from the evils of the machines.
Well here we are time and time again the men in power, the Machines, have taken it all away and given us a bit to hold onto just so that they can take it all away again. We, all of us if you want to believe it or not, are just pawns in a sick game of money, corruption and power. And that day that you think you may have coming to you, where you will stand up and fight for your rights, will never happen. They are so good at what they do; we won't even realize it's happened until it is far too late because they will know where you are and what you are thinking. If you don't agree with them they will shut you down.
So this is where it all ends... I can't do a thing of you because you are all to busy living that sad thing you call a life. Not that this was read a lot and it may have even fallen on def ears. Well V is dead. He was shot and killed trying to help the one thing he believed in... You.
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Death of V!
Posted by
10:48 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
The inaction of those that feel they can change it all from the comfort of a keybord.
I was really excited to see that such a group existed; that many people of all walks of life could band together and do something that would truly effect change. I have been once again fool by the very machine that I fight so hard against. THIS group on this facebook is fabulous for spilling ideas and sharing knowledge. We all rival everyday how we all agree and disagree with each other. We all take a bit away or give a lot to the topics and debates. And we feel good that we are doing so. Well, the sad truth is this; like so many more before it is just a bitch-fest. Not one of you on this group is willing to risk it all for the greater good. You all love your comfortable lives that fit into your comfortable boxes, and I mean all of you! From the obedient mother that can't do anything because she has worked so hard for the house she lives in and the car she drives and the garden she tends to every summer all the way to the man who doesn't pay HIS income tax because he has found a loophole that works for HIM to get out of the system. Both, and all cases for that matter, are self-centered and not really fighting the good fight or any fight for that matter. You maybe saying to yourself, "Well, is V ready to give it all up?" I have two kids and a wonderful wife, and yes… if it means that my children get to live in a world were they are free from the evil people, and the clutches they have on us, that we are not... I would sacrifice it all for them. But YOU are not willing because of fear, passiveness and the idea that if someone else does it for you your hands stay clean and you can ride the coat-tails guilt free, then you are useless. Cold, I know... but it is the truth. You all bitch and complain on this group that you want to EFFECT change but no one is willing to really DO ANYTHING. This saddens me, how blind you all are, this place, this group could be so much more then you are willing to let it be. Why, again because you are all self-centered... humans. So bitch and complain and hate me for spilling the truth about you and our kind. You talk and share ideas and watch the world pass you by. You may think that by typing anything on this group you are going to affect the world, unfortunlety... you still lock your doors when you get home and close your blinds. You sit in front of your computer, T.V. or maybe even a book and you think by letting the group know how you feel it will project some sort of consequence. NO, you are being sucked into just another tool used by the "men in power" to control you. You sit there and you type and you type and you FEEL like this is change but you are just typing!! And until you, ALL of you, are willing to stand up for what you believe in, until you are ready to pick up a sword and shield (metaphorical or literal) and FIGHT... and are ready to give it all up... until then... you all will live in fear. I cannot help anyone who is not willing to help themselves. You are all Evey and I am V.
"People should not be afraid of there governments, governments should be afraid of there people." - V
"And you’re going to do that by blowing up a building?" - Evey
"The building is a symbol, as is the act of destroying it. Symbols given power by people, alone a symbol is meaningless, but with enough people... blowing up a building can change the world!" - V
(Change "blowing up to a building" to "refusal to pay illegal taxes")
I may be an idealist or a visionary, born way before my time. Well, if you are still reading this I am impressed and a little surprised. But now I must bid you all farewell! This is not the group I thought it was, and you may want to post a response or you may not. Either way it matters not. I am no longer part of this group of talk and conjecture. So on keep bitching and complaining and when your children look into your eyes and ask you "Why do we have to do what THEY say" you can hang your head and remember that when you could have effected change... you did nothing. And I'm sure there are going to be those of you that think you are all clever with your responses and I guess if that makes you sleep better at night...well, have at it.
Goodbye, good luck...and how will you ever know if you don't
Posted by
6:25 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Reminding people!
Showing our power in our numbers! Well, I told you all that I would come up with something for you all to show what kind of power we have. The question was posted earlier this week "we are now 44,000 strong what do we do?" Some of you suggested we write our local government and others voted for a digital protest by sending a video. While these two things may make you feel good they will not get the attention of anyone. If we send off 1 or 100,000 letters our MP's all have trash bins big enough to dispose of them all, and an even bigger bin for those of us who still insist on using the digital method. NO, what we need to do to get there attention is give them something they will want to open, or rather don't give them it. Stay with me and all will become very clear!
I like all of you enjoy comfort of daily routine, the security of the familiar and the tranquility of repetition. I would like to mark this day, not for any festive reason and certainly not to supersede the upcoming holiday, but rather in this time of heavy spending and light wallets, keep this day in mind. In fact, keep this day in mind when you are reminded by our government that you have so little and they have too much. I would like to tell you something, but there are those out there that do not want us to speak. Why don't they want us to speak because words will always retain their power. Words to the means of meaning, and for those who will listen to the enunciation of truth. The truth is there is something terribly wrong with this country - isn't there!? We now live under cruelty and injustice, intolerance and depression and where you once had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you see fit, you now have senses and system of surveillance chorusing your conformity and serving your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Certainly there are those that are more responsible then others. They should be held accountable... but truth be told if you are looking for the guilty you need only look onto a mirror. I know why you did it, you were afraid and who wouldn't be. War, terror and desires, there were a million problems that conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common senses. Fear got the best of you. And in your panic you turned to a government (all parties with in government), they promised us order, they promised us peace and all they demanded in return to a "normal life" is your silent obedient consent. This day I propose to end this silence, a turn of events that will make the men in power realize that we demand what we have forgotten. My hope is to remind the world that fairness, justice and freedom are more then just words. They are perspective! So if you have seen nothing and the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would say let this day pass you by. But if you feel as I feel and you seek what I seek then I would ask you to stand by me in the next year. Stand by me and show the men in power what we have over them.
Now I know that some of you will be reading this and saying to yourself (or maybe out loud to your computer) this is just what V said in his movie; V for Vendetta? You would be right. Interesting how well it fits into the box that is our lives now isn’t it!
This is what I'm purposing... come April 30, 2008, while this country is panicking to get our taxes submitted on time, we all take the tax form sent to us or picked up and fill out the first copy. If you are getting money back then please DO submit it. But if you figure your numbers and you "owe" then do this! Take that second copy and with a RED felt marker write NO! across the front. Spend the money on the stamp, best fifty-odd cents you will ever spend) and send it off. Remember – annual income tax is illegal! You don’t have to pay it.
If just we few 44,000 do this then the men in power will know exactly what we are capable of. To make this happen we need to file the old fashion way, mail it in... no E-Tax!
So come the 30th of April 2008 I will be posting a picture of myself holding my tax form for 2007 and across the front, in red it will say NO! I ask you all to do the same. You want to get their attention? Well, I can guarantee that they will open all the income tax forms sent to them. They want their money. Let’s give them a year to remember!
Posted by
9:48 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Now what?
We as people have no control. I don't mean the control over our money or our health or our country. I mean self-control. It's interesting to read a lot of what is on this wall. People saying we should do something and others asking what. Others sharing whats wrong with the world and how we can fix it. Here is where it all goes to SHIT. If we had total control over everything and we had no police system (as corrupt as it maybe) and we had no government (as much as I would love to see them all hanging on the gallows) we would all kill each other. You can't tell me for a second you wouldn't rip your neighbor's head off if he did something to you or had something you wanted if there was no one to stop you because people are stupid, panicky and self-centered. What we need to do is keep the powers to be in check. Take for example this whole idea that Income tax is illegally collected by the government. How many of you are willing to STOP paying them? I don't mean that tidy sum that comes off each paycheck but the lump sum they ask for at the end of the year. Or how many of you are will to take the time out of your day and the time away from your paying job to go to Ottawa and protest all the lies and evil that our corrupt government feeds us. Some people have told me the way to bring it down is from the inside and that again is a noble thought but power and corruption go hand in hand and there has been very few men in power that that have not affected. So I leave you with this... like most of you I don't have the answers YET, but every day when I get up, when I'm at my job and when I'm at home playing with my kids I don't stop thinking about how or what we as the people of this country can do to stop the evil that are trying so hard, and doing a damn good job, at controling us. I hope to come back to you all with something soon.
Posted by
11:00 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Score!
Okay this is the score! We as a people, a nation and a society are passive! We want the other guy to start something because of one reason or another. No one is willing to take the first step and that is what the 'powers that be' wanted. They spoon fed us this quick fed, easy, ready made life so we wouldn't want to give it up. We are happy watching the tube and eating our fast food, that does nothing to stimulate our mind, and we don't care. I hear things all the time like: What can I do, can't stop the man and my personal favorite, the government can make people disappear... what the hell when did this country turn into one where we did what they say because we are scared for our lives? I mean I know that politics is full of corruption and the "democracy" we live in is bullshit but fear for your life!! Well congrats government you have the masses exactly where you want them! Brainless, fat, passive and most importantly scared!
Well this is how I look at it; one man may not be able to do much...and maybe I can't stop the machine but I can let it know that there is no way he's going to control me, no US. And I have no doubt that the government can and has made more powerful men and women disappear, but they can't make all of us disappear. Ever hear this one... "strength in numbers" imagine it if you will a few hundred, NO a few THOUSAND of us marching up to Parliament hill and demanding we get a straight answer from OUR government about the income tax they have been collecting from all of us illegally. They can't bump off that many people!
I'm not saying lets go riot in the streets, or write to your local MP (they will just file your letter under file trash) We have to be as smart at this as they have been since the inception of this whole move to control us. So for now spread the word, start up a petition that's the key informing the public that is so in the dark. You are going to get those people that say no no and they can't believe that the men and women they "voted" into power would do such things. I'm looking at you older generation (Gen Xers are some of the most passive money hungry people I know). But you are going to run into people that are as mad as you and I are and will want to do something about it and that is our power!!
Here is a first step we can all take:
In conclusion, please don't let someone else control the one thing we all are in control of and that is yourself!
Posted by
2:52 PM
Labels: The People, the power
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
First you have got to get mad!
Everyone please please please get your hands on a copy of a very eye opening video called, ZEITGEIST. If you open your eyes you will realize that the truth will set you free! Infact this is it if it's not pulled before you get to watch it take a peek. Mind you you may not like what you see but deep in your heart you know it is the true truth and not the spun truth you are so use to seeing...
this is just a first of many entries that will be made on this subject... It's time to get mad!
Posted by
6:35 PM
Labels: The People